On E4, Title cards are sometimes used on trailers for shows. This hollyoaks later trailer is an example of what i hope to acheive by placing title cards between scenes to keep the attention of the audience.
They work very effectivly as they allow you to use shorter clips which also keeps the audience interested as longer scenes may bore or confuse the audience.
This convention also alsos to create cliffhangers and it will make sure the audience will watch the full episode.
Although Hollyoaks is a soap, this is Hollyoaks Later which isnt shown continuously , therefore it isn't a soap.
Even though this video is fan made, as a group we really liked the idea of having 3 different characters all with different motives.
The use of medium close ups and still camera shots show it is a soap. They dont use point of view or panning shots as they cost more to shoot.
When we first started doing research for our soap we really liked the idea of a paradoy as it would be something different and fun to film. Even though Ab Fab is a sitcom we studied how they used ecentric costume and big hair to make the conventions of a sitcome the parody.