On E4, Title cards are sometimes used on trailers for shows. This hollyoaks later trailer is an example of what i hope to acheive by placing title cards between scenes to keep the attention of the audience.
They work very effectivly as they allow you to use shorter clips which also keeps the audience interested as longer scenes may bore or confuse the audience.
This convention also alsos to create cliffhangers and it will make sure the audience will watch the full episode.
Although Hollyoaks is a soap, this is Hollyoaks Later which isnt shown continuously , therefore it isn't a soap.
Even though this video is fan made, as a group we really liked the idea of having 3 different characters all with different motives.
The use of medium close ups and still camera shots show it is a soap. They dont use point of view or panning shots as they cost more to shoot.
When we first started doing research for our soap we really liked the idea of a paradoy as it would be something different and fun to film. Even though Ab Fab is a sitcom we studied how they used ecentric costume and big hair to make the conventions of a sitcome the parody.
-So we could get used to using the camera and learning different techniques we filmed a short story using comic strip images. In a way this helped us use things such as zoom and pan as the images were not moving.
-We started by taking photos of the comic strip and then cropped and made them bigger so they were easier to film. A problem we found as soon as we started filming was the quality of the pictures were really bad so if we did this again we would think about changing the photos.
- Also another problem was background noise, we were speaking the parts of the characters however because we did it in class time you can hear everyone else in the background. If we were to do this again we would do it in a quiet room.
- We found the story line hard to follow at first and was worried if someone else was to watch it would they understand it. However we thought the way we used the camera and the way we spoke helped to make it easier to follow.
-we used a variet of group shots for example close ups to show facial expressions and pans to show who was in the room.
-After getting all our shots we uploaded them to Adobe premiere elements. This was my first time using this programme and at first found it very difficult to work. After some practice though it became easier and i knew it was god practise for my final peice.